Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Homework and Jungle Gyms! Week 2, Monday and Tueday

Cúpula del Milenio

Today Bailey and I were both struggling to stay awake in our classes. Although we got a decent amount of sleep last night, our lack of sleep from the night before must have carried over.

When we got back for lunch, Mercedes' daughter and son-in-law were eating lunch before us. They talked to us a little bit and were really nice. For lunch we had a plate of garbanzo beans, potatoes, carrots, and hard boiled eggs.

We both have presentations in history tomorrow, so after our siestas we went back to school and used the internet for four hours. My presentation is about the wedding of Isabel, the oldest daughter of the Spanish king and queen Ferdinand and Isabella (back in the 1400s).

Supper consisted of sunny-side-up eggs, french fries, and watermelon (strange combination, right?).

After we watched the news, Bailey and I ran for two miles along the river.

Awesome jungle gym!


Today, for our “presentations” in history, we got to do them from our seats, so it was laid back and easy.

It still hasn't rained once and it doesn't look like it will. The temperature is perfect, we don't have and don't need air conditioning.

Lunch: pasta, bread, watermelon, and what we think was pork chops, but I'm not sure if she ever said what they were called.

Baby peacock!
After siesta and homework, we met the guys near the beach and walked north along the river until the trail ended (the north edge of Valladolid), then crossed the river to the west and checked out the Cúpula del Milenio, a big building shaped like a soccer ball that lights up at night and hosts concerts and events. Outside was an awesome jungle gym that didn't have any kids on it, so we climbed on it and hung out. We also sat by a fountain on the river and went to El Campo Grande to check out the peacocks again.

Supper: bread, salad, apple, tortillas patatas

To bed early!

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